Project-based learning copilot for teachers

Inkwire helps educators design and facilitate learning experiences that build both academic and real world skills.

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"Melody Makers: EP Creation Extravaganza"

Designed in May 2024 by Aatash

Grade Level

High School

Initial ideas

Incorporate materials from science, technology, art, engineering, and mathematics to create your own EP, including making a song, cover art, and all of the related pieces.

Empower & Innovate: The Social Impact Venture

Designed in July 2024 by Sarrie

Grade Level


Initial ideas

I want to create a PBL for an entrepreneur class that will have a connection to a Jewish value. Key aspects would include: introduction to being a socially responsible entrepreneur, idea generation/opportunity recognition, creating a business plan, product development/prototyping, marketing, basic financial concepts. They will also need to learn how to create a Google Site that will be used to hold all of their work and share at pitch day. Students will then use the learned concepts to work in groups to develop a business idea, create a prototype and marketing strategy and put all of their work into a Google Site. They will present their pitch to a group of judges. The class will end with a reflection and feedback period.

Career Exploration Adventure

Designed in March 2024 by Max

Grade Level

High School

Initial ideas

I want my students to discover talents and interests that they have in order to find career paths that best fit their unique skill set. I also want them to use this as a means of researching colleges or trade schools that match those career paths

"Cultural Quest: Diverse Question Generator Fun"

Designed in April 2024 by Jeff

Grade Level

High School

Initial ideas

I want to design a project for a software engineering intern at my company. In our product, students respond to questions their teachers have assigned them by recording short videos where they show their work on a digital whiteboard and verbally explain their thinking. Teachers have to create the questions themselves, and it takes a long time. I want the intern to create a question generator that generates standards-aligned questions in math, science, etc., that creates good questions based on the teacher's prompts. The main emphasis of the project is coding. The intern must figure out how to 1.) create a code repository and push it to Github, 2.) get a user's prompt for what kind of question they want to generate, 3.) return the generated question (including text, images, etc.).

"Love Across Generations: Exploring Platonic Resilience"

Designed in May 2024 by Holly

Grade Level

High School

Initial ideas

I want to design a project where students explore themes relating to platonic love by reading Now Is Not the Time to Panic by Kevin Wilson

Cultural Tastes: Cooking and Heritage Exploration

Designed in May 2024 by Aatash

Grade Level


Initial ideas

Conduct a multicultural fair to explore and celebrate different cultures. Students will research a country, prepare traditional dishes, and present on cultural practices.

"Puzzling Proportions: Building with the Pythagorean Theorem"

Designed in March 2024 by Yesenia

Grade Level


Initial ideas

Students apply the Pythagorean theorem into the real world.

"Food Justice Quest: Cultivating Solutions Together"

Designed in April 2024 by Jeremy

Grade Level

High School

Initial ideas

I want to design an authentic learning experience about food deserts, incorporating NGSS for a 9th grade biology class.

Join 4000+ educators redesiging the learner experience

Bullitt County Public Schools Design Tech High School Oakland Unified School District High Tech High Milpitas Unified School District

Start with your ideas – big or small

Start where you are – whether it’s a big project idea, existing curriculum materials, Graduate Profile competencies, or core content standards.


Brainstorm with an AI design partner

Inkwire teamed up with the High Tech High Graduate School of Education, to provide you with a built-in brainstorming partner well-versed in the essentials of Deeper Learning.


Instant plans & materials at your fingertips

Inkwire turns your ideas into a shareable and customizable unit or lesson plan – complete with a suggested timeline and scope & sequence for implementation.


Collaborate and showcase

Ready to put your plans into action? Inkwire gives learners a place to show off their progress and development in the ways that are the most meaningful to them.

Helping educators transform the learning experience

Hear how early Inkwire users are using the platform every day.

“Inkwire takes a more student centered approach to assessment. All students can easily create a digital portfolio of any evidence that they are proud of. Inkwire moves us in a direction to eliminate inequitable grading systems.”

Ted Cuevas
High Tech High Chula Vista

“Inkwire provides a platform for students to curate and present their educational journey from kindergarten to 12th grade, illustrating their growth and self-discovery as learners. This tool enables us to share their progress with our community and state.

As we are beginning to implement PBL within the district having a platform that houses the projects that can be shared helps teachers to collaborate seamlessly.”

Dr. Brandy Howard
Bullitt County Public Schools

“Inkwire is helping us showcase student work to other students, families and the larger community. It's helping with our teacher professional development. Teachers are able to see what other teachers are doing and build a library of exemplars”

Sam Berg
Oakland Unified School District

“Now, my students are able to post performance assessments and communication of their process. Inkwire enables them give feedback to each other which creates a more student centered approach to assessment.

I also use it now to collect their work and give them feedback. It has made authentic feedback significantly faster than it used to be."

Max Cady
Design Tech High School

“Inkwire is the best platform for PBL. Our students are doing elevator pitches. They are able to pick up their phone and record and I can give them feedback, as well as their peers. It is so collaborative and the way I can organize my deliverables is so user friendly. I love it!”

Julie McNeese
Bullitt County Public Schools

“Inkwire is an amazing platform that uplifts students voices by providing them the space to post their work in multiple formats, see the work of their peers as well as provide feedback.

My favorite feature is the Binder, since it is a collection of all your work and as a teacher I can view by user, which would be helpful during a Family Conference."

Chantel Parnell
Oakland Unified School District

“Inkwire helps my students learn from peers, practice providing useful feedback to each other, and document work that can easily be transformed into a portfolio.

I love the ease of students sharing project work with each other, allowing them to easily comment on more visual aspects of work. It’s like if Padlet and Google classroom had a baby.”

Kaylyn Oates
Verde Valley School

“The portfolio builder + binder in Inkwire is unlike anything out there. Rather than having students trying to remember what they did, it allows them to think carefully and deeply about what they want to share to their parents and the public and how they want to present it. It reduces busy work and increases student agency.”

Jean Kaneko
Santa Monica-Malibu USD

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