
Design for Deeper Learning

Collaborate with AI to design an engaging learning experience in minutes.

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Recent Designs

Conflict to Harmony: Creative Community Tales

Grade Level: 7

Initial ideas

This unit will focus on students learning and understanding the basic elements of narrative writing. In addition to learning these basic elements (plot structure, point of view, descriptive language, and narrative sequencing), students will interview a community member to tell their story. After their interview, students will create a fictionalized version of that story and create a book version with a cover page and illustrations. As a culminating activity, students will engage in a gallery walk where other members of the school and the community will be invited.

Understanding and Celebrating Our Community Heroes

Grade Level: 6

Initial ideas

I want to do a project around first responders. Students will learn about the impact of first responders and how they contribute to the community. They should also develop a way to show their appreciation.

Solar Oven Challenge: Harnessing Sun Power

Grade Level: 4

Initial ideas

design a lesson plan for a solar oven project 4th grade california standards. I have one week with 45 minutes a day. Include scientific principles lessons that allows students to plan for designing the best model

EMT Adventures: Solving Emergencies with STEM

Grade Level: 5

Initial ideas

Design a project with math and science application for students learning about first responders, specifically EMT's

Math in Action: EMT Rescue Challenge

Grade Level: 5

Initial ideas

using math in an EMT's daily job

Fire Safety Detectives: Data-Driven Prevention Strategies

Grade Level: 6

Initial ideas

What math lessons do i need to prepare my students firefighters emergencies

Blazing Math: Calculations for Firefighting Success

Grade Level: 6

Initial ideas

I want to create a design where the class can engage with math invovling fire fighters or how they use math

Heritage Hunters: Preserving Our Local Treasures

Grade Level: 4

Initial ideas

How can a place affect how we live? Explain the individuals, events, procedures, ideas or concepts in a historical, scientific or technical text, including what happened and why, based on specific information over the course of a text. Analyze how the central ideas are reflected in a text, and cite relevant implicit and explicit evidence from the text. Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.

Design your own project

Learn more

What if there was a tool to help us take our wild project ideas and create a scope and sequence? There is! Inkwire and the Professional Learning team at High Tech High’s Graduate School of Education designed an AI-assisted curriculum planning tool.

Powered by High Tech High's Kaleidoscope framework for project-based learning (PBL) design, this AI assistant helps educators – and learners! – integrate standards and curriculum requirements into a cycle of PBL Essentials.

The AI-assisted Kaleidoscope tool is co-designed by Inkwire & the High Tech High Graduate School of Education Professional Learning Team. The "Design for Deeper Learning Kaleidoscope" framework is copyright by the High Tech High Graduate School of Education.