Pull Up a Chair, Let's Share!
Grade K/1
This RPLC unit will teach students the characteristics of nonfiction books as well as the tenets of how-to writing. After building upon their understanding of informational texts, the students will learn about how they can use this genre to learn more about their personal interests. They will learn the process of evaluating what they already know about a topic in order to learn what they don't know. Through guided instruction, the students will work towards creating a how-to book on their topic of choice. This how-to guide can be shared in a book format, through a how-to video, or both. Ideally, the students will have a component of their content project that can also be written in a how-to style. Rather than individual books, this how-to could be done as a class shared writing, class book, script for a video, or other product that matches the purpose of the project. The goal of this unit is to excite young learners about the ability to follow their unique interests and celebrate learning new things. The how-to teaching portion will allow students to feel pride in their hard work as they access metacognition.