Literacy by Design
Grades 2/3
This RPLC unit is based on student engagement and the empathy, problem solving, collaboration, critical thinking skills that come from participating in meaningful design thinking opportunities. This unit opens by engaging students' natural curiosity and wonderings about the world around them. By examining everyday objects, they have an authentic connection to the design process. The students should continue to be engaged by looking at a well-known fairytale, analyzing the character, and questioning whether the "traditional" solution is actually the best solution. As the students progress through the unit, they will learn about problems in the world that they can work to solve. This is meant to satisfy their developmental interest of fairness and justice. Additionally, in regards to their development, students typically enjoy working in groups and can bounce back from disappointment. This will allow them to have meaningful reflection experiences. Throughout this unit, the students will practice grade level standards and personalized learning goals as they work through informational and persuasive writing tasks, a biography study, and using informational texts to research. This unit provides the context for students to combine reflection with critical thinking, leading to metacognitive learning experiences.
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