Curiosity Quest
Grade K/1
This RPLC unit was developed with children's natural curiosity in mind. It begins with encouraging student wonderings and questions about the world around them. If there is not one already in the classroom, a Wonder Wall would be great to implement before or at the start of the unit. Through exploring their curiosities, the students learn about how using nonfiction texts can help them find the answers to their questions and wonderings. As the students learn to navigate nonfiction texts, they will learn about using a variety of text features as tools. Additionally, the students will learn about sentence types and structures as they compare questions to other types of sentences that writers use. They will learn the foundational skills involved in forming their own sentences. Using their understanding of nonfiction and informational texts, the students will spend the last part of the unit writing their own informational books to teach others about their project topic. The unit will close out with a Curiosity Cafe. Where visitors will get to examine and add to the Wonder Wall and read the students' books.
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