Written by Brittany Botta

Nurture Creativity and Encourage Curiosity Utilizing Project Based Learning

Project based learning begins with the underpinning concept we are wanting to impart to our students and then builds a cross-curriculuar, multi-week, project that incorporates several standards from several courses of study to guide students through an area of inquiry. Each project has a full outline, teacher resources and suggestions for student-led areas of discovery..

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Why Rebel Project Literacy Curriculum

We want our students to become good learners, not just good students. We want them to deeply understand concepts that impact their lives. We want them to become lifelong learners, we embrace their curiosity, we support their creativity.
We know that students learn best when the information is relevant and interesting and we can combine concepts with experiences.
Our job as educators is to facilitate their learning opportunities and help them to connect the dots so they can transfer what they learn in the classroom to actively use in the world around them. Our projects help to build self esteem through validating ideas, model collaboration through working with others to solve a bigger problem, encourage creativity through inquiry, and challenge critical thinking through evaluating a problem and taking different perspectives to work towards a solution. Our projects often have opportunities for field trips to enhance learning and multiple options for deliverables.
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